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Turning Left Blogs

Market Differently

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and marketing, standing out from the crowd is not just an option but a necessity. This is the central theme of Episode 1 of the Turning Left podcast, hosted by Ann-Marie and Tanya, co-founders of LeftTurn Strategy.

WordPress For Business

A company website is an important part of your marketing toolbox – there’s no question about it. However, which platform should you choose? While there are many options, we recommend looking into the benefits of a WordPress website for your business. Learn about the key benefits of a WordPress website as your marketing foundation for your business.


The end of the Canadian Digital Adoption Program may have caught many approved companies off guard, but it doesn’t have to derail their digitization efforts. Companies still seeking a Digital Advisor have time to complete the CDAP plan and LeftTurn welcomes these Canadian small business clients. Learn how LeftTurn does the heavy lifting so you don’t need to.

Social Media Content

Discover the power of employee generated content for your social media. Get tips on how to get started with your own employee generated content program that will help you bring your brand to life and so much more!

Spreading Joy

The holiday season is a time for giving, and small businesses can play a crucial role in spreading joy and positively impacting their communities. Despite uncertain times and economic challenges, there are numerous creative ways for small businesses to give back during the holidays. Learn how small businesses can give back with some heartwarming ideas that won’t break the bank and will leave a lasting impact.

Video Marketing

Video introductions capture attention, build trust, simplify complex information, enhance SEO, and dominate on social media platforms, making them an indispensable tool in today’s digital landscape. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your brand’s journey toward success with the power of video introductions.

Time Saving Tools

As a small business like you, we’re always looking for the most efficient and effective use of our time. AI is helping us get creative and get sh*t done. It can help you too. We’re going to highlight a few awesome and easy-to-use tools (with some caveats!) that will hopefully make your marketing life a little more manageable and fun!

Celebrate Your Wins

Looking for a fun way to fast-forward success? Start celebrating your wins! Research shows giving yourself and your team a pat on the back for work done well has far-reaching benefits.

Turn Left Here

There’s no exact path in The Left Way. Wondering if we are too different? Or not different enough? Curious about a second opinion or if LeftTurn can help? We never shy away from a chat to learn more about you.

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Burlington, ON
L7L 5H6