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Celebrate Your Wins

June 5, 2023
LeftTurn Brand and Digital Marketing Team

Inside the Turning Left Podcast: The Scoop on Our Latest Episode!

Welcome, podcast enthusiasts and marketing mavens! Buckle up for a short and sweet behind-the-scenes tour of LeftTurn Strategy’s latest episode of the Turning Left Podcast. Step into our creative world, complete with team antics, blooper reel gold, and some seriously exciting news about our latest Canadian client.

Lights, Camera, Action: Our Brand Video Adventure

Creating a brand video isn’t exactly a walk in the park—especially when you’re balancing a million other tasks. We lay bare the whole rollercoaster ride of making our brand video. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t all smooth sailing. We share the nitty-gritty of our journey, from the nerve-wracking decision to hit record to the hilarious bloopers that make us all look like we’ve had one too many cups of coffee. Big shoutout to our circle partners for giving us that extra nudge to get in front of the camera. Despite our initial stage fright, the final product was worth every awkward moment, capturing the essence of LeftTurn Strategy and spotlighting our fantastic trio—Pam, Director of Client Services, Jess, Director of Content, and Katie, Director of Digital.

The Human Touch: Why Putting Faces to Your Brand Matters

In today’s digital jungle, authenticity is the key to connection. We delve into why putting a face to your brand isn’t just a nice-to-have but a must-do. Our video wasn’t just about us showing off; it was about humanizing our brand and giving potential clients a peek behind the curtain at the real stars of the show. It’s like inviting someone over for coffee and letting them get to know the real you—trust us, it works wonders for building credibility and forging connections.

New Partnerships & Rave Reviews: The Canadian Connection

But wait, there’s more! This episode is also a celebration of our shiny new client relationship with a major Canadian brand. Cue the confetti! This is more than just a win; it’s a testament to the magic of referrals and stellar client feedback. In the cutthroat world of marketing, glowing testimonials and word-of-mouth referrals can be game-changers. Our clients’ rave reviews highlighted our rockstar team and our knack for turning chaos into order, proving once again that we’re the A-team that doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk.

Team Spirit: Why We’re the Dream Team

One of the big takeaways? Having a top-notch team is everything. Our clients’ feedback consistently tells us that with LeftTurn Strategy, they’re getting the dream team, not just a group of faceless experts. We’re not a giant, impersonal agency where you’re just a number. We’re the dedicated, passionate crew that gives you the personal touch and customized solutions. It’s heartening to see our vision taking flight and our team’s hard work paying off.

Tips for Small Business Owners: Shine Bright, Even When It’s Scary

For all the small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs out there, we’ve got you covered. Our episode is packed with practical tips and inspiration to help you build your brand, even when it feels like you’re stepping into the spotlight for the first time. Our brand video journey is a reminder that showcasing your work and putting a face to your brand can lead to fantastic rewards.

A Toast to Team Spirit & Marketing Magic

As we wrap up, we’re celebrating more than just our new milestones—we’re toasting the incredible team spirit and marketing magic that drives LeftTurn Strategy. Whether you’re a fellow marketer, a small business owner, or just a curious soul, this episode has something for you. Tune in, get inspired, and enjoy a chuckle or two at our expense!

For all the juicy details, catch the full episode here.

Want a Piece of This Powerhouse Team?

Let’s talk! Book a call with the LeftTurn leadership team.

Turn Left Here

There’s no exact path in The Left Way. Wondering if we are too different? Or not different enough? Curious about a second opinion or if LeftTurn can help? We never shy away from a chat to learn more about you.

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L7L 5H6